Sessions for Individuals or Couples

Becoming Well started with a personal journey
Not quite ready for an intensive? Want to make sure you stay on track after your intensive? Try our sessions for individuals and/or couples.
We understand that intensives are not feasible for everyone. You can still make incredible progress as an individual or a couple through session work. And, if you have already done an intensive sessions can help keep you on track.
The journey back from the impacts of intimacy avoidance, sexual/pornography addiction, and infidelity is long. Typically, it takes a relationship 18 months to 2 years (or sometimes longer) to recover and for individuals to solidify permanent, long-lasting change. Sessions can help you get to where you want to be and stay there. We will walk alongside you every step of the way.
Our coaching sessions are bi-weekly and follow a model similar to the counseling or coaching session work that most people are familiar with. During sessions, you will receive assessments, tools, and recovery plans tailored to your specific needs. We offer two types: 30-minute sessions and 50-minute sessions. Our 50-minute sessions can be divided into a combination of individual and couple work.

2024  Group Intensives

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