Why Do I Resist Taking My Meds?
I’m in the kitchen, it’s 1:12pm, and I haven’t taken my morning meds yet. They’re the meds I need to reduce my anxiety and help me concentrate (for anxiety and ADD). Why do I do that?
We provide infidelity recovery consultation and support services for individuals and couples who are experiencing infidelity or intimacy crisis. Discover valuable resources that can help you go from Shattered to Strong.
I’m in the kitchen, it’s 1:12pm, and I haven’t taken my morning meds yet. They’re the meds I need to reduce my anxiety and help me concentrate (for anxiety and ADD). Why do I do that?
We like to think of memory as a camera, capturing snapshots perfectly from our lives. And we assume that if something big happens, we’ll remember it – like replaying a video tape.
Next to ending an affair or stopping the infidelity-related behavior, how couples handle the disclosure process is probably the most important determining factor of whether the relationship can recover.
On my website, I share things that you should know about therapy, but that people don’t talk about. Because there’s still a lot of stigma around therapy in general, it’s easy to fall into certain misconceptions about it.
Almost 3 years ago, I was diagnosed with colorectal cancer. When I started feeling sick, waiting for a diagnosis was excruciating. I was both anxious to get the results, and scared of what they might be.
Imagine you’re living in the Stone Age. You’re minding your own business when a bear runs out of the woods. How do you imagine yourself responding?