You’ve Got Two Choices. If you don’t choose, it will choose for you.
Do you enjoy conflict? Most men will probably say, “No way, Matt! What are you talking about?”
We provide infidelity recovery consultation and support services for individuals and couples who are experiencing infidelity or intimacy crisis. Discover valuable resources that can help you go from Shattered to Strong.
Do you enjoy conflict? Most men will probably say, “No way, Matt! What are you talking about?”
How do I feel? Are you kidding me? I’m a guy. Most of the time I couldn’t answer that question if you paid me, except when I’m angry or frustrated. No problems with those feelings.
Therapists and sociologists have found that even the most discreet infidelity-related behavior can have a profound impact on children.
What do you think of when you hear the word “trauma”? In medical speak, serious injury is often called “trauma,” such as head trauma from a car crash.
We like to think of memory as a camera, capturing snapshots perfectly from our lives. And we assume that if something big happens, we’ll remember it – like replaying a video tape.
Probably the most common question I get from wounded partners in early recovery is, “Why should I have to do recovery?” This question makes sense, considering the fact that someone else’s bad actions are what put us in this place to begin with.