Motherhood and Infidelity
Therapists and sociologists have found that even the most discreet infidelity-related behavior can have a profound impact on children.
We provide infidelity recovery consultation and support services for individuals and couples who are experiencing infidelity or intimacy crisis. Discover valuable resources that can help you go from Shattered to Strong.
Therapists and sociologists have found that even the most discreet infidelity-related behavior can have a profound impact on children.
So, you’re the loved one of a man who’s experienced trauma. You’re probably here because you want to help him.
Sometimes we have experiences that are so hard to talk about, that we leave them unspoken. They’re like gaping holes in the narrative we tell about ourselves.
There’s a term going around a lot lately, thanks to COVID-19: social distancing. As we all know, distancing from others is one of the best ways to prevent the virus from spreading.
Imagine that a loved one hurt you. If they said, “I was wrong, and I regret not listening to you more carefully,” would it feel sincere to you? What if they said, “I’m going to make it up to you”? Your preference for what sounds sincere has to do with your apology language.
We like to think of memory as a camera, capturing snapshots perfectly from our lives. And we assume that if something big happens, we’ll remember it – like replaying a video tape.