Finding Peace After Infidelity
You love and trust your partner. You thought everything was fine and then you found out you had been betrayed. Perhaps your partner told you themselves.
We provide infidelity recovery consultation and support services for individuals and couples who are experiencing infidelity or intimacy crisis. Discover valuable resources that can help you go from Shattered to Strong.
You love and trust your partner. You thought everything was fine and then you found out you had been betrayed. Perhaps your partner told you themselves.
Many people think that the word describes a situation in which a person really doesn’t care about something. However, this isn’t an accurate definition.
Recognizing trauma isn’t as straightforward as you might think. Maybe you’re wondering, “Did I experience trauma? How do I know, and should I be worried?”
The primary goal of disclosure is to get all of the information pertaining to infidelity-related behavior out in the open.
Sometimes we have experiences that are so hard to talk about, that we leave them unspoken. They’re like gaping holes in the narrative we tell about ourselves.
Just in case you missed last month’s post; let me give you an idea of what ambivalence is. A lot of people think that being ambivalent means that a person doesn’t really care about something.