Your meetings have turned into frequent Zoom calls. You spend almost all your time in your house, and haven’t been to a restaurant in months. You and your family members have been watching the news carefully for any updates, but your stress levels only continue to rise.
Or, you’re an essential worker. You’re working long days trying to meet others’ needs, and the demands of this global crisis. You may be in medical care, facing coronavirus directly as you struggle to care for patients.
This is your new normal.
My wife is an “essential worker,” not working in healthcare but still engaging customers, many daily. She wears a mask and gloves, and is constantly wiping down surfaces, asking folks to maintain those 6 feet of distance.
She comes home not just physically tired, but emotionally and mentally tired too. And now 2 months in, it’s a grind!
As many have said and continue to say, these are unprecedented times. The coronavirus has brought uncertainty on a global scale, and it’s a lot for everyone to deal with. You may be facing:
It’s normal to feel this way! And yes, even as a guy, it’s okay to be scared or worried about the pandemic. You have every right to these reactions — they’re human. Maybe, now that you’re stuck at home, you realize that you’ve been feeling anxious and depressed for a long time. That’s okay too.
You may be practicing social distancing, but you’re not alone. America in general is experiencing an uptick in feelings of anxiety and stress. That means your friends are likely experiencing this, too.
Don’t believe me? One way to alleviate your stress is to call up a friend and ask him how he is. Then, tell him the truth about how you’re feeling. It can be a daunting task, but the only way to feel better is to let others know you’re not feeling great in the first place. Knowing that a friend feels the same way can really lift that burden.
The Good Men Project also presents other ways to support your mental health in this time: recognize the traumatic aspect of the situation, give yourself a routine, find meaning in your daily life, and have compassion toward yourself.
Remember that you’re doing what you can with the resources you have. Give yourself a break, and let yourself feel how you feel.
Becoming Well provides support through in-person consultations and workgroups designed to help you deal with any trauma you may be feeling.
What things are mentally/emotionally draining you in the midst of these crazy times?